Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food! Delicious, so tasty, finger-licking, palatable, succulent; all these thoughts come in our brain and when we are hungry we just try to eat and make every effort to suffice our hunger. For any living substance food is something that brings joy and happiness. Not only that, food is something the world is fighting for.
There are tremendous amount of food being processed and produced on a daily basis all over the world. Without any statistic, one can tell the food industry has the biggest multi million dollars market out there. But have we ever thought about how these multi million dollars industry can cause trouble in human lives or could even cause a death.
After watching "Food. Inc", I was disgusted to know that everyday we consume food without knowing what's really in it. This movie showed the process of food making, and the unsanitary conditions surrounding this food. I believe that food, especially meat, needs proper care before being sold to the public. However, the movie clearly showed that people who worked there did not care enough about health, sanitary conditions or ethics. As it is shown, there were numbers of immigrants were hired from Mexico who has no proper training so that the cost of processing can be cheaper and the meat can be out on market at cheaper price. It's truly amazing that people are not fully educated on what goes into the food we buy all the time. If we knew where products that we eat come from, probably we would not buy anything from a supermarket. The food that most of us eat may contain very dangerous bacteria and substances that can be extremely harmful to our health or even cause a death. For instance, they use ammonia to sanitzie the machine which process the meat. Ammonia is a strong substance and kill germs but at the same time when the meat enters in the machine to be processed, these chemicals are added to the meat
After the analysis of different scenarios of this perticular movie, we need to come up with better solution to stop food poisioning and deaths. As per the movie, organic food and organic meat would be a better solution. However, organic foods are very expensive due to the nature of processing food and cost associated with not using any dengrous chemicals. This is the safest way to go, so that we no longer have to buy the type of food we saw in the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Kasia!

    You really pull our attention towards the use of ammonia and other toxic chemicals in making our meat "safer"! It is maddening!

    Even though organics are more expensive now, what would happen if we all demanded them? What would happen if the gov't subsidzed them instead of fast food?

    Love to hear more of your ideas.
